Part One Setting up a Master Writer Node for our Word Press Blog

  • Configuring the Instance
    • This instance has WordPress installed on apache http services
    • We configured all the assets in wp-content/uploads to be redirected to our cloud front distribution, which stands in front of an s3 Bucket, which has the same assets as wp-content/uploads
    • We also have cron jobs scheduled to do two things
      • first: sync any updates within the src directory of the instance file system w/ the s3 code bucket, to back up our website w/ full redundancy
      • second: sync any updates to the wp-content/uploads w/ our s3 bucket for media which sits behind the cloud front distribution

This configuration supports a “Master” writer node where our “marketing team” can go in and perform any updates to the site including:

  • updating our images
  • adding a new blog

Part Two: Setting up auto-scaling read-only-nodes

  • Create AMI from writer node instance
    • Defaults config for auto-scaling instances
  • Create Auto Scaling Group
    • Create launch configuration
      • Tells us how to spin up each new instance
      • Bootstrap script is aws s3 --delete sync s3://wordpress-code-mnk
        • This will ensure latest source code is downloaded on newest auto scaled instances
      • Creating auto scale group
        • Prompts for using ELB or not
          • Puts in target group for ELB
    • Remove Writer From ELB Target Group
      • In the LAB, they registered the ELB w/ a DNS; so anyone going to this DNS will only be hitting the Target group
      • This allows us to access the writer instance at the IP, or perhaps with just a different DNS that isn’t public


  • EC2 Instance w/ Word Press installed and the following config
    • Cron Jobs for syncing source code & media w s3
    • All links (stored in wp-content/uploads) overwritten to use cloud front for performance
  • Read Nodes which are AMI of the EC2 Writer node set in
    • Auto Scaling Group
      • W/ bootstrap script to get latest code from s3
    • Elastic Load Balancer
      • where write node is not included as a registered targets
  • Route 53 config pointing at ELB

RDS Failover

  • Rebooting a RDS instance and selecting failover moves the RDS to a new AZ